Tour of the Mushroom Project

We recently took a tour of one of the recently set up mushroom projects to assess the progress.

EOWC believes that if women farmers had the same access as men to training information and resources, they could increase production on their farms by up to 30 percent.

Women continue to face tremendous barriers to success. They have limited access to productive resources such as land, finance and information that they need to grow their farms and businesses, and they are disproportionately affected by poverty, violence and discrimination.

This Quarter EOWC invested in opportunities for women pays off by helping enterprising women in to build competitive farms and businesses to break the cycle of poverty. We focused on generating opportunities for women by connecting them to capital, networks and supply chains.


Training information and resource distribution

An explanation if planned activities in the period have not taken place or have not been as successful as expected.

if women farmers had the same access as men to training information and resources, they could increase production on their farms by up to 30 percent.

Women continue to face tremendous barriers to success. They have limited access to productive resources such as land, finance and information that they need to grow their farms and businesses, and they are disproportionately affected by poverty, violence and discrimination.

We created multiple opportunities for women through Innovative business models.

This Quarter EOWC invested in opportunities for women pays off by helping enterprising women in to build competitive farms and businesses to break the cycle of poverty.

We focused on generating opportunities for women by connecting them to capital, networks and supply chains.

We focused on generating opportunities for women by connecting them to capital, networks and supply chains.

Women continue to face tremendous barriers to success. They have limited access to productive resources such as land, finance and information that they need to grow their farms and businesses, and they are disproportionately affected by poverty, violence and discrimination.

EOWC believes that if women farmers had the same access as men to training information and resources, they could increase production on their farms by up to 30 percent.

g-nut machine

Ground Nuts Machine

The community was introduced to a new machine that helps in preserving ground nuts... Click Here to Read More


One on One Discussions

During our tours, we hold one on one meetings with
community members... Click Here to Read More


Involving Men

Men are being encouraged to play a more active role in supporting women and children in the community... Click Here to Read More                         


Women and Children

On 29th May -2 June 2017, EWOC –Kabale office hosted the Uganda Investment Authority (UIA) and Uganda Industrial Research Institute...


Skills on Mushroom Growing

The purpose of the training was to enhance skills into the EOWC and increase women’s economic...

groud nut preservation

Preserving  G-nuts

The training Workshop began with full day theory training to provide participants...

Physical Address

Equal Opportunities For Women And Children In Uganda
Plot 1, Span House, Portal Avenue
Room No.413, Third Floor (Block C)
P.O Box 287
Kampala District, Uganda


Office: +256 772860973
Mobile: +256 772860973


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