About Us

Equal Opportunities For Women & Children in Uganda (EOWC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to ending discrimination, improving lives and ending poverty. Our work is in Uganda within Eastern Africa. We put women and children at the center of development efforts because we know that we cannot overcome poverty and all other social economic challenges until all people have equal rights and opportunities.

We are also focused on popular education to politicize communities; simultaneously address practical and strategic needs for women with a focus on the marginalized rural women, women with disabilities and indigenous women (Batwa) in West Uganda.

Our entry point is women’s collectives through village loans and savings associations (VLSA’s), this is an approach we feel is truly transformational for rural African communities whose poverty and resources, poor eco systems limit the sustainable impact of a range of initiatives focused on either practical or strategic needs.

Our main goal is the prevention of GBV and advancing women’s holistic safety and well-being which brings in economic justice. We are promoting economic justice and climate action as key drivers of GBV. Our two approaches include engaging at strategic level and practical needs level. Strategic level includes critical thinking sessions using popular education material for these women to understand barriers and generate solutions.

It is followed by facilitation of power mapping exercises for these groups to generate effective advocacy and activism strategies, which they implement themselves in engaging with power holders at the local government level, traditional leaders, religious leaders and opinion leaders.

Recently, the organization joined Uganda Women’s Network to link with a national advocacy platform and take micro experiences to in come the macro level policy changes. Simultaneously, our other strategies focused on practical needs aimed to increase individuals and household incomes, in so doing, we elevate the status of these marginalized groups and accords them collective power and knowledge and information, which reinforces the ability of the strategic, needs engagements to succeed.

Since these are communities dominated by subsistence agriculture, we begin this line of work with skills building in agribusiness (beyond just good agricultural practices). Financial literacy and the cooperative model: By this, the women are able to then increase their own household income as well as own assets that can move them from basic survival (buying food and medicine) to poverty transformation e.g. cattle and land vs chicken and ducks.

Their VLSA’s at village level are then merged into a cooperative that are providing support to grow into fully fledged cooperatives to further grow their agribusiness and have stronger collective economic power that will reinforce the strategic needs, advocacy mentioned above.

We came to this two pronged approach through learning, we started off with advocacy with GBV prevention through our MEL assessments, realized the deep rooted barriers that included women’s subordinate economic position and a multitude of barriers for economic advancement but were reinforcing GBV.

EOWC is currently working in the south west of Uganda (Kabale, Kisoro and Kasese Districts). The program areas are deep in the rural areas of the above mentioned districts. However, due to insecurity faced in Kasese district last year, programing in that district has been suspended.



The organization started as an initiative of three women that had been working with and supporting women’s self-help groups (and in some cases village loans and savings associations VLSAs) in their ancestral homes.

The founders engaged with these women’s groups on different issues related to women and children’s nutrition and poverty alleviation. In engaging with these women’s groups, they discovered that some of the most marginalized women and children in these groups were far worse off. Some were mothers of children with mental challenges e.g. cerebral palsy.

These mothers and their children faced a lot of stigma and discrimination. Others were widows and faced several challenges including being sent of most of the land they used to cultivate, they then had to hire out their services digging for people in the community to secure a meal while earning less than 1 dollar per day. A good number of the women lived in poverty and faced health and nutrition challenges coupled with intimate partner violence.

Initially the founders in their own limited financial capacity provided cash grants to the women’s SHGs in the hope that this would significantly change the group member’s lives. Eventually however, it became clear that the barriers faced by women and children in these groups and in the broader context were wide ranging and interconnected. It was clear that a complex problem required deeper and longer standing interventions to change (see theory of change HERE). In 2015 Equal Opportunities for Women and Children in Uganda (EOWC) was then formally constituted.


  1. The Sustainable Livelihoods Program – this is mainly economic empowerment for women and children through improved agriculture, microfinance and financial training.
  2. Creating safer and healthy communities – this is improvement of health indicators through maternal health, sexual and reproductive health promotion, mental health and prevention of violence against women and children .
  3. Natural resource management - this is closely linked to the sustainable livelihoods program. The effects of climate change have adverse effects on women and children in rural poor countries of which Uganda is one. We promote environmentally friendly commercial activities like agro-forestry


Equal Opportunities for Women & Children is committed to creating a community where women & children are safe, healthy, valued, and empowered.



We work to save lives, defeat poverty and achieve social justice. This is achieved using an equal opportunities approach incorporated in a women & children centered philosophy.



We put women and children in the center because we know that we cannot overcome poverty until all people have equal rights and opportunities.


We believe in urgent action, and the necessity of transformation—within the society and our own organization.

We are accountable to the people and partners we humbly serve, transparently sharing our results, stories, and lessons.

We know that by embracing differences and joining together we can solve the most complex problems.

We challenge ourselves to the highest level of learning and performance, tapping the best of the human spirit to create impact.

We believe in the equal value of every human being and the importance of respecting and honouring everyone: we know that change happens through people.

Theory of Change
The organization works to address discrimination of women and children by dismantling the barriers they face namely dominant social norms, unequal opportunities, inadequate and inaccessible services, challenging macro-economic environment, limited ability to participate in social and economic development activities.

Interventions by EOWC to dismantle these barriers include awareness raising on common norms/ myths that discriminate women and children perpetuating violence and negative health outcomes, building financial literacy capacity and entrepreneurship skills, supporting women’s SHGs/ VLSAs to enhance the agricultural value chain and engage in agribusiness to significantly increase their incomes, direct support to women and children for enhanced health and economic indicators.
Click here to read the detailed theory of change

EOWC Uganda Team
The organization is fortunate to have a wide range of professionals on its board with different thematic competencies in different fields relevant to its activities and institutional capacity. The eight-person team includes people in the following fields, law, women’s rights, academia (anthropology and biochemistry), accounting, pharmaceuticals, and agribusiness.

The team at EOWC is a passionate and committed range of professionals in the fields of development studies, social work, business management and accounting. The small but growing team comprises of the Chief Executive Director, Ms. Samalie Nabaasa, Vice Chairman, Technical Director, Treasurer, Program Manager, Program Officers, Volunteers, Accounts Assistant and Field Officers.


Samalie-Nabaasa-Chief Executive Director

Samalie Nabaasa

Chief Executive Director

David Mafigiri-Vice Chairman

David Mafigiri

Vice Chairman

Jean-Kemitare-Technical Director

Jean Kemitare

Technical Director

Immaculate Nansikombi-Treasurer.fw

Immy Nansikombi


Stella Ampire-Programmes Manager.fw

Stella Ampire

Programmes Manager

Charity Muhawe-Programme Officer.fw

Charity Muhawe

Programmes Officer

Rhona Baingana Kezabu-Member.fw

Rhona Baingana


Mbaasa Edmond-Field Officer.fw

Mbaasa Edmond

Field Officer

Physical Address

Equal Opportunities For Women And Children In Uganda
Plot 1, Span House, Portal Avenue
Room No.413, Third Floor (Block C)
P.O Box 287
Kampala District, Uganda


Email: eowcinfo@gmail.com
Office: +256 772860973
Mobile: +256 772860973


About Us 


Please send us your ideas, suggestions, feedback and general inquiries through our "Contact Us" page or using the contacts on this page. Any feedback would be appreciated.