Equal Opportunities For Women And Children In Uganda

We are a non profit organization dedicated to ending discrimination, improving lives and ending poverty.

EOWC works to save lives, defeat poverty and achieve social justice. This is achieved using an equal opportunities approach incorporated in a women centered philosophy.

EOWC is committed to creating a community where women & children are safe, healthy, valued, and empowered.

We put women and children in the center because we know that we cannot overcome poverty until all people have equal rights and opportunities.

Equal Opportunities for Women and Children in Uganda is registered as an Non-Government Organization (NGO) working in the south west of Uganda (Kabale, Kisoro and Kasese Districts).
The program areas are deep in the rural areas of the above mentioned districts. 

We focus on building sustainable livelihoods by economically empowering women and children through improved agriculture, microfinance and financial training ;
Creating safer and healthy communities as well as managing natural resources.

Recent Activities

Recent Blog Articles


Visit to Western Uganda

The topic of discussion was: promoting awareness of the causes, management and prevention of cerebral palsy among community leaders...


Irish Potato Yields From Previous Harvest

Since receiving support from EOWC, the ‘irish potato experiment’ has indeed become key to poverty relief in Kiburara village. Over the years, the group’s pineapple production has been transformed through the introduction of strategies...


The Mushroom Project Picks Up Momentum

My name is Peace Kabaza 42 years of age, one of the seed potato producers in Kabale District. I am a resident of Kambubiro Village. Mparo Parish.
I opted for the production of seed potato and not ware...

Physical Address

Equal Opportunities For Women And Children In Uganda
Plot 1, Span House, Portal Avenue
Room No.413, Third Floor (Block C)
P.O Box 287
Kampala District, Uganda


Email: eowcinfo@gmail.com
Office: +256 772860973
Mobile: +256 772860973


About Us 


Please send us your ideas, suggestions, feedback and general inquiries through our "Contact Us" page or using the contacts on this page. Any feedback would be appreciated.